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Infinite rebuild loop in Eclipse CDT

My setup is a bit sketchy, I'll admit. This was working correctly with Eclipse Indigo but Luna keeps rebuilding my C++ Android project over and over.

This happens when I select the "Build on resource save (Auto build)" which was rather convenient. Checking this option gets me into an infinite rebuild loop.

I'm building an Android C++ executable without any java layer. I selected Cross GCC in Tool Chain Editor, I removed all tools except for Cross G++. This step makes the include paths tab appear in C/C++ General configuration.

I call c:\android\android-ndk-windows\ndk-build.cmd as a build command. I checked Build (Incremental build) with parameters NDK_DEBUG=1 V=1

Like this :

enter image description here

I removed everything from the Refresh Policy as I was suspecting that ndk-build modifies the project files, which is picked up by the builder as a change, which creates the problematic loop.

I also added boost to android ndk which has its own My own looks like this :

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_CC = C:\android\android-ndk-windows\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.8\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-gcc.exe
LOCAL_CXX = C:\android\android-ndk-windows\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.8\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-g++.exe

LOCAL_MODULE    := EventInjectorNative


LOCAL_CPPFLAGS := -g -std=c++11

LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := boost_filesystem boost_system

#LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := C:\android\android-ndk-windows\sources\cxx-stl\gnu-libstdc++\4.8\include
#LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += /cygdrive/c/android/android-ndk-windows/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.8/libs/x86_64/include
#LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += C:\android\android-ndk-windows\sources\cxx-stl\gnu-libstdc++\4.8\libs\armeabi-v7a\include
#LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += C:\android\android-ndk-windows\platforms\android-19\arch-arm\usr\include

LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := C:\\android\\android-ndk-windows\\sources\\cxx-stl\\gnu-libstdc++\\4.8\\include
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += C:\\android\\android-ndk-windows\\sources\\cxx-stl\\gnu-libstdc++\\4.8\\libs\\armeabi-v7a\\include
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += C:\\android\\android-ndk-windows\\platforms\\android-19\\arch-arm\\usr\\include
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += C:\\android\\android-ndk-windows\\sources\\boost

$(call import-module, boost)

Is there any way to tell what exactly triggered the automatic build? Eclipse build console only shows that Auto-Build is triggered by shows no cause or explanation.

Without this, the project builds and runs fine. CDT is able to debug with gdb over tcp and all.


  • It seems that this was caused by "CDT GCC Build Output Parser" and "Binary Debug Data Entries" in Properties -> C/C++ General -> Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros etc. (Gotta love the etc in the name...)

    No clue what this was about, but unchecking it stopped the infinite loop