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Event Driven System Call in Python

I'm trying to implement an event driven process with system call or subprocess. Basically I want to launch a non-blocking system command and upon completion of that system call, I want a function to be called. This is so that I can start a GUI progress bar, launch a system command and have the progress bar continue, and when the system call finishes, have the progress bar stop.

What I want to absolutely NOT DO, is to spawn a process, get its process ID and keep checking for the completion of that process in a while loop.

Below is just an example of how I imagine this should work (All of these are inside a class)

def launchTool(self):

    self.progressbar.config(mode = 'indeterminate')
    self.launchButton.config(state = 'disabled')
    self.configCombobox.config(state = 'disabled')

    ##  here the "onCompletion" is a pointer to a function
    call("/usr/bin/make psf2_dcf", shell=True, onCompletion = self.toolCompleted)

def onCompletion(self):

    print('DONE running Tool')

    self.launchButton.config(state = 'normal')
    self.configCombobox.config(state = 'normal')


  • To avoid polling subprocess' status, you could use SIGCHLD signal on Unix. To combine it with tkinter's event loop, you could use the self-pipe trick. It also workarounds the possible tkinter + signal issue without the need to wake the event loop periodically.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import logging
    import os
    import signal
    import subprocess
    import tkinter
    info = logging.getLogger(__name__).info
    def on_signal(pipe, mask, count=[0]):
            signals =, 512)
        except BlockingIOError:
            return # signals have been already dealt with
        # from asyncio/
        # Because of signal coalescing, we must keep calling waitpid() as
        # long as we're able to reap a child.
        while True:
                pid, status = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
            except ChildProcessError:
                info('No more child processes exist.')
                if pid == 0:
                    info('A child process is still alive. signals=%r%s',
                         signals, ' SIGCHLD'*(any(signum == signal.SIGCHLD
                                                  for signum in signals)))
                # you could call your callback here
                info('{pid} child exited with status {status}'.format(**vars()))
                count[0] += 1
                if count[0] == 2:
                    root.destroy() # exit GUI
    logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)-15s %(message)s", datefmt='%F %T',
    root = tkinter.Tk()
    root.withdraw() # hide GUI
    r, w = os.pipe2(os.O_NONBLOCK | os.O_CLOEXEC) 
    root.createfilehandler(r, tkinter.READABLE, on_signal)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, lambda signum, frame: None) # enable SIGCHLD
    signal.siginterrupt(signal.SIGCHLD, False) # restart interrupted syscalls automatically
    info('run children')
    p = subprocess.Popen('sleep 4', shell=True)
    subprocess.Popen('sleep 1', shell=True)
    root.after(2000, p.send_signal, signal.SIGSTOP) # show that SIGCHLD may be delivered
    root.after(3000, p.send_signal, signal.SIGCONT) # while the child is still alive
    root.after(5000, lambda: p.poll() is None and p.kill()) # kill it


    2015-05-20 23:39:50 run children
    2015-05-20 23:39:51 16991 child exited with status 0
    2015-05-20 23:39:51 A child process is still alive. signals=b'\x11' SIGCHLD
    2015-05-20 23:39:52 A child process is still alive. signals=b'\x11' SIGCHLD
    2015-05-20 23:39:53 A child process is still alive. signals=b'\x11' SIGCHLD
    2015-05-20 23:39:54 16989 child exited with status 0
    2015-05-20 23:39:54 No more child processes exist.
    2015-05-20 23:39:54 done