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How to accurately acquire line segments from the projection plot?

So this is basically something very simple, as in just get the horizontal projection plot and from that get the location of the lines on the image. But the problem is that the threshold that is applied is very variable. If I stay at a safe level, the correct number of lines are extracted whereas on the other hand unwanted results are extracted.

For example here is the image:

enter image description here

And its horizontal projection:

enter image description here

And here is the code I am using to extract the text lines:

%complementing as text must be non zero and background should be 0
img_comp = imcomplement(img);

%calculate the horizontal projections and plot it to verify the threshold
horizontal_projections = sum(img_comp, 2);

%A very crude method of automatically detecting the threshold

proj_mean = mean(horizontal_projections);
lines = horizontal_projections > floor(proj_mean); 

% Find Rising and falling edges
d = diff(lines);
startingColumns = find(d>0);
endingColumns = find(d<0);

% Extract each line and save it in a cell
for lines_k = 1 : length(startingColumns)
  lines_extracted{lines_k} = img(startingColumns(lines_k):endingColumns(lines_k), :);

I want to automate the threshold selection but am having trouble, if I use the threshold shown in my code that is the mean of the projections, it does extract 9 lines which are correct but the lines lose a lot of data as in:

enter image description here

This is the second line, the extenders and descenders of the letters have been cut off. Using the half of mean or third of it works but its different for every image and does not automate it at all.


  • What about converting to YCbCr color space? Using the conversion formula from Wikipedia.

    img = im2double(imread('StackOverflow-Example.jpg'));
    rp = img(:, :, 1) / 255 ;
    bp = img(:, :, 2) / 255 ;
    gp = img(:, :, 3) / 255 ;
    kb = 0.114;
    kr = 0.299;
    y = kr * rp + (1 - kr - kb) * gp + kb * bp;
    y = max(max(y))-y;
    y = y ./ y;
    view(0, -90)

    It looks like a good job of maintaining the information.


    I think you want each line

    %% Load image and find intensity %%
    img = im2double(imread('test.jpg')); % load image and convert to doubles to allow for calculations
    rp = img(:, :, 1) / 255 ; % normalized red portion
    bp = img(:, :, 2) / 255 ; % normalized blue portion
    gp = img(:, :, 3) / 255 ; % normalized green portion
    kb = 0.114; % blue constant from Wikipedia
    kr = 0.299; % red constant from Wikipedia
    x = kr * rp + (1 - kr - kb) * gp + kb * bp; % normalized intensity in image
    x = max(max(x))-x; % removed background
    y = x ./ x; % everything left is high
    z = y;
    z(isnan(y)) = 0; % turn nan's to zero
    divisions = find(sum(z,2) > 5); % find all lines that have less than 5 pixels
    divisions = [divisions(1); divisions(diff(divisions) > 10); size(z, 1)]; % find the line breaks
    rows = cell(length(divisions), 1);
    for i = 1:numel(rows)-1
        line = z(divisions(i):divisions(i+1), :); % grab line
        j = divisions(i) + find(sum(line,2) > 5) - 1; % remove the white space
        line = y(j, :);
        rows{i} = line; %store the line
    rows(numel(rows)) = [];
    %% plot each line %%
    for i = 1:numel(rows) ; 
        figure(i) ; 
        view(0, -90) ;
    %% plot entire page %%
    figure(numel(rows) + 1)
    surf(y,'EdgeColor','none','LineStyle','none') % plot of entire image
    view(0, -90)

    Edit: 2015/05/18 15:45 GMT

    This has the values for the intensity left in:

    img = im2double(imread('test.jpg'));
    rp = img(:, :, 1) / 255 ;
    bp = img(:, :, 2) / 255 ;
    gp = img(:, :, 3) / 255 ;
    kb = 0.114;
    kr = 0.299;
    x = kr * rp + (1 - kr - kb) * gp + kb * bp;
    x = max(max(x))-x;
    xp = x;
    xp(xp == min(min(xp))) = nan;
    y = x ./ x;
    z = y;
    z(isnan(y)) = 0;
    divisions = find(sum(z,2) > 5);
    divisions = [divisions(1); divisions(diff(divisions) > 10); size(z, 1)];
    rows = cell(length(divisions) - 1, 1);
    for i = 1:numel(rows)
        line = z(divisions(i):divisions(i+1), :);
        j = divisions(i) + find(sum(line,2) > 5) - 1;
        line = xp(j, :);
        rows{i} = line;
        figure(i) ; 
        view(0, -90) ;
    figure(numel(rows) + 1)
    view(0, -90)

    Edit 2015-05-22 13:21 GMT

    %Turn warning message off
    warning('off', 'Images:initSize:adjustingMag');
    %Read in image in int8
    originalImg = imread('test.jpg');
    %Convert to double
    img = im2double(originalImg);
    %Take R, G, & B components
    rp = img(:, :, 1) ;
    gp = img(:, :, 2) ;
    bp = img(:, :, 3) ;
    %Get intensity
    kb = 0.114;
    kr = 0.299;
    yp = kr * rp + (1 - kr - kb) * gp + kb * bp;
    %Flip to opposite of intensity
    ypp = max(max(yp))-yp;
    %Normalize flipped intensity
    z = ypp ./ ypp;
    z(isnan(z)) = 0;
    %Find lines, this may need to be tuned
    MaxPixelsPerLine = 5;
    MinRowsPerLine = 10;
    divisions = find(sum(z,2) > MaxPixelsPerLine);
    divisions = [divisions(1); divisions(diff(divisions) > MinRowsPerLine); size(z, 1)];
    %Preallocate for number of lines
    colorRows = cell(length(divisions) - 1, 1);
    for i = 1:numel(rows)
        %Extract the lines in RGB
        line = z(divisions(i):divisions(i+1), :);
        j = divisions(i) + find(sum(line,2) > 5) - 1;
        colorRows{i} = originalImg(j, :, :);
        %Print out the line
        figure(i) ;
    %Print out the oringinal image
    figure(numel(rows) + 1)
    %Turn the warning back on
    warning('on', 'Images:initSize:adjustingMag');