I have a factory that makes some $resource calls to the server. The setData function works fine. My question is how do I pass a parameter into the factory to be used in the SubmitAttendance function? I need to pass a id to be sent to the server
.factory('AttendanceData', function ($resource, theConfig) {
var serverPath = theConfig.apiURL;
var serverKey = theConfig.apikey;
return $resource(serverPath + '/api/Canvas/:action',
{key: serverKey},
SetData: {method: 'GET', params: {action: "SetData" }, isArray: false},
SubmitAttendance: {method: 'GET', params: {action: "SubmitAttendance"}, isArray: false}
Try instead, returning an object exposing a method which you can throw arbitary data into.
.factory('AttendanceData', function ($resource, theConfig) {
return {
get: function (data) {
return $resource(/* do stuff with data */)
then in the calling code