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Field not found: 'ImageResizer.Configuration.PluginConfig.LoggingAvailable'

I'm using the Image Resizer But, when I installed DiskCache plugin to serve cached images, an error occurs:

Field not found: 'ImageResizer.Configuration.PluginConfig.LoggingAvailable'.
Here is my web.config configuration for resizer tag:

<code> <resizer>
    <clientcache minutes="1440" />
      <remove name="DefaultEncoder" />
      <remove name="NoCache" />
      <remove name="ClientCache" />
      <add name="DefaultEncoder" />
      <add name="NoCache" />
      <add name="ClientCache" />
      <add name="DiskCache" />
      <diskCache dir="~/imagecache" autoClean="false" hashModifiedDate="true" enabled="true"
   subfolders="32" cacheAccessTimeout="15000" asyncWrites="false" asyncBufferSize="10485760" />

      <cleanupStrategy startupDelay="00:05" minDelay="00:00:20" maxDelay="00:05"
        targetItemsPerFolder="400" maximumItemsPerFolder="1000"
        avoidRemovalIfCreatedWithin="24:00" avoidRemovalIfUsedWithin="4.00:00"
        prohibitRemovalIfUsedWithin="00:05" prohibitRemovalIfCreatedWithin="00:10" />


  • After a lot of test, I found out that it's simple was a problem about versions.

    I have not used the "Nuget.Package.Manager" and update the :

    • ImageReziser Web.Config Installation to Version 3.4.3
    • ImageReziser.Plugins.DiskCache to Version 3.4.3

    And now I don't get this error.