I am trying to use the REST API for TestFairy as described here http://docs.testfairy.com/API/Rest_API.html. However, no matter which API I am trying to call I always get:
"message":"No permissions"
I am using OSX and curl, like so:
curl -u "EMAIL:API_KEY" "https://app.testfairy.com/api/1/projects"
Where of course EMAIL and API_KEY is replaced with the respected values.
What am I doing wrong?
Using the password for my TestFairy account instead of the API_KEY always results in "User not found".
On another note; the account is using the free plan of TestFairy. Does that make a difference in the availability of the REST API?
Yes, raw API access is a paid-plan feature available only for Startup and Enterprise packages. That's why you're getting the "no permissions" error. You should email TestFairy's support for more info.