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Swift: Storyboard TabViewController Segue Not Being Triggered

I am working on an iOS app that allows users to scan barcodes of food items into a shopping list. My goal is that when the scanner picks up on a barcode, it grabs the metadata and sends it (via segue) to another view where the user can log the item into their grocery list. My bug is that when the scanner picks up on barcode and successfully returns the metadata, it calls performSegueWithIdentifier() (line 30) but does not actually segue into the next view. It will just continually scan the barcode and output my print statements as shown below. The parent view is a TabBarViewController with three tabs, one of which being the scanner. I am using the RSBarcodes framework that could be found here. Below are screenshots to illustrate my bug.

Barcode Scanner Class

Barcode Scanner Class

Terminal Output

enter image description here

Storyboard Segue

enter image description here

Simulator View

enter image description here


  • You should stop the scanning before presenting the other viewcontroller. Find the implemented method to stop or deallocate the scanner in the framework.