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How to prove x + y - z = x + (y - z) in Coq

I want to prove this :

1 subgoals
x : nat
y : nat
z : nat
x + y - z = x + (y - z)

It looks trivial, but it confuse me a lot, and I need it for another proof.



  • What you're trying to prove doesn't hold if y <= z, because with nat a-b is zero if a <= b.

    Omega is a useful tactic to use for inequalities and simple arithmetic over nat.

    Require Import Omega.
    Theorem foo:
        forall x y z:nat, (x = 0 \/ z <= y) <->  x + y - z = x + (y - z).
        intros; omega.

    However, your identity of course holds for the integers Z.

    Require Import ZArith.
    Open Scope Z.
    Theorem fooZ:
        forall x y z:Z, x + y - z = x + (y - z).
        intros; omega.