I really want to have a QTabWidget that can be renamed by double-click on tab caption.
I have googled and found this solution, but it's more like an outline for a developer who knows his way through Qt and subclassing it's widgets.
I'm kind of stuck how to implement all that. I have used an example given further down that thread (with IndependentLineEdit
and so on) and it worked, but it's not what i wanted.
I do not want to have any kind of InputDialog. I do not want to have any floating widget or something.
What i basically want is to use QTabWidget (subclass), that behaves the similar way as spreadsheet tabs do in modern office suites - like, tab label is substituted with seamless line edit, which resets tab label on Enter or leaves it intact on Esc.
I have not been able to find such a solution so far. I do understand that what I actually need is very close to this:
provide a temporary QLineEdit at QTabBar::tabRect() filled with QTabBar::tabText()
but i do not understand how to do that. Moreover, since QTabBar is kind of bare tabbar i would also prefer to have in enclosed into QTabWidget (subclass).
The following is an implementation of such behavior in Python in PyQt4. It should be easy to convert that to C++. Please note that Qt5 has a nice signal tabBarDoubleClicked which is missing in Qt4. This piece of code creates such signal as well.
from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot
class QTabBar(QtGui.QTabBar):
"""QTabBar with double click signal and tab rename behavior."""
def __init__(self, parent=None):
tabDoubleClicked = pyqtSignal(int)
def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
tab_index = self.tabAt(event.pos())
def start_rename(self, tab_index):
self.__edited_tab = tab_index
rect = self.tabRect(tab_index)
top_margin = 3
left_margin = 6
self.__edit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self)
self.__edit.move(rect.left() + left_margin, rect.top() + top_margin)
self.__edit.resize(rect.width() - 2 * left_margin, rect.height() - 2 * top_margin)
def finish_rename(self):
self.setTabText(self.__edited_tab, self.__edit.text())
class QTabWidget(QtGui.QTabWidget):
"""QTabWidget with double click on tab signal and tab rename behavior."""
def __init__(self, parent):
tabBarDoubleClicked = pyqtSignal(int)
Please note that there is a rather hacky solution to aligning the qlineedit within the tab header. It is achieved by fixing the margin to a certain value. I'm sure it is possible to look that value up in the style if necessary.