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Converting a Gmail API Message into an OpenPop Mime message

Is it possible to convert a Gmail API Message into an OpenPop Mime Message?

Currently, I have:

List<Message> messagesList = new List<Message>();
List<string> rawMessagesList = new List<string>();
foreach(Message m in messages)
    Message m2 = service.Users.Messages.Get("me", m.Id).Execute();
    string m3 = service.Users.Messages.Get("me", m.Id).Execute().Raw;

string rMessage = rawMessagesList[0];
byte[] byteMessage = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(rMessage);

OpenPop.Mime.Message openPopMessage = new OpenPop.Mime.Message(byteMessage);
string newStringMessage = FindPlainTextInMessage(openPopMessage);

Unfortunately, all it returns is nothing, because the raw request returns as null. Is there a scope requirement, or some other reason why gmail is not returning the raw message?


  • To obtain the Raw string, you need to specify the Raw format in your GetRequest.

    var emailRequest = svc.Users.Messages.Get("userId", "id");
    emailRequest.Format = UsersResource.MessagesResource.GetRequest.FormatEnum.Raw;
    var rawString = emailRequest.Execute().Raw;

    At this point, rawString is a base64url encoded string. You have to convert it to a normal string before encoding to bytes (see

    private static byte[] Base64UrlDecode(string arg)
        // Convert from base64url string to base64 string
        string s = arg;
        s = s.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/');
        switch(s.Length % 4)
            case 0:
                break;              // No pad chars in this case
            case 2:
                s += "==";
                break;              // Two pad chars
            case 3:
                s += "=";
                break;              // One pad char
                throw new Exception("Illegal base64url string!");
        return Convert.FromBase64String(s);

    You can then use the result of Base64UrlDecode to create the OpenPop MIME message.