I am not sure what the correct protocol here is when I mess up a post... But I messed this one up. The log statement I noted below is actually coming from the other correct execution of the bill detail page. It is correct.
I do not see a log message for the billImages request I am trying to make. I do get some data returned by that service call though, and I'm still looking into why.
Apologies to any kind soul who invested brain matter into thinking about my faulty post.
I am new to AngularJS and struggling to figure this out.
I am using Angular's $resource to call a NodeJS webservice I am also writing.
My service code:
'use strict';
//BillImages service used for communicating with the billImages REST endpoints
angular.module('bills').factory('BillImages', billImagesService);
function billImagesService($resource) {
return {
getBillImages: getBillImages
function getBillImages(){
return $resource(
{billId: '@_id'},
{getBillImages: {method: 'GET'}}
When the server gets the request, it comes in with:
GET /bills/55551963b969c76c241e8e4c 304 47.072 ms - -
My problem is the "/billImages" portion of the URL is being lopped off somewhere between the service call and the server!!! Why?
I am trying to create a page that shows the details for a single bill, but also shows a list of billImages that are children of the bill.
Here is the controller code that is calling the angular service (if it matters),
// Find the latest bill images for the current bill
$scope.findCurrentImages = function() {
$scope.billImages = BillImages.getBillImages({
billId: $stateParams.billId
I'd appreciate both a solution and advice on improving my approach.
Self answer.
I'm still not clear on everything here, but switching the controller from:
$scope.findCurrentImages = function() {
$scope.billImages = BillImages.getBillImages({
billId: $stateParams.billId
$scope.findCurrentImages = function() {
$scope.billImages = BillImages.query({
billId: $stateParams.billId
AND reverting by service back to the template provided by the MeanJS sample app:
angular.module('bills').factory('BillImages', ['$resource',
function($resource) {
return $resource(
{billId: '@_id'},
{update: {method: 'PUT'}}
Made the REST service calls start to happen again.