I'm using the FSharp.Data.SqlClient type provider and keep receiving errors when accessing a stored procedure that has a Table Valued parameters.
I tried the example from the documentation verbatim
CREATE TYPE myTableType AS TABLE (myId int not null, myName nvarchar(30) null)
@p1 myTableType readonly
SELECT myName from @p1 p
Which should allow me to write the following
type myType = AdventureWorks2012.``User-Defined Table Types``.MyTableType
But it is not returning any options under User-Defined Table Types
This is keeping me from being able to call any stored procedures that take a Table Valued Parameter.
I'm running Microsoft SQL Server Express (64-bit) Version 12.0.2000.8 and version 1.6.2 (current latest) of the type provider
This is what worked for me (probably doc was not updated yet):
let connectionString = @"... My connection string here..."
type TableValuedSample = SqlProgrammabilityProvider<connectionString>
type myType = TableValuedSample.dbo.``User-Defined Table Types``.myTableType
let m = [
myType(myId = 2, myName = "Mike")
myType(myId = 1, myName = "Pete")
let myArray =
(new TableValuedSample.dbo.myProc()).AsyncExecute(m) // syntax difference
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> Array.ofSeq
let myRes = myArray.[0]
match myRes with
| Some res -> res
| None -> ""
val myArray : Option<string> [] = [|Some "Mike"; Some "Pete"|]
val myRes : Option<string> = Some "Mike"
val it : string = "Mike"
I'm using MSSQL 2014 and 1.6.2 provider.