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Streaming an uploaded file to an HTTP request

My goal is to accept an uploaded file and stream it to Wistia using the the Wistia Upload API. I need to be able to add fields to the HTTP request, and I don't want the file to touch the disk. I'm using Node, Express, Request, and Busboy.

The code below has two console.log statements. The first returns [Error: not implemented] and the second returns [Error: form-data: not implemented]. I'm new to streaming in Node, so I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong. Any help would be much appreciated.

app.use("/upload", function(req, res, next) {
    var writeStream = new stream.Writable();
    writeStream.on("error", function(error) {
    var busboy = new Busboy({headers: req.headers});
    busboy.on("file", function(fieldname, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) {
        file.on("data", function(data) {
        file.on("end", function() {
                url: "",
                formData: {
                    api_password: "abc123",
                    file: new stream.Readable(writeStream)
            }, function(error, response, body) {


  • I am not to familiar with the busboy module, but there errors you are getting are from attempting to use un-implemented streams. Whenever you create a new readable or writable stream directly from the stream module you have to create the _read and _write methods respectively Stream Implementors (node.js api). To give you something to work with the following example is using multer for handling multipart requests, I think you'll find multer is easier to use than busboy.

    var app = require('express')();
    var fs = require('fs');
    var request = require('request');
    app.use(multer());"/upload", function(req, res, next) {
        // create a read stream
        var readable = fs.createReadStream(req.files.myfile.path);{
            url: "",
            formData: {
                api_password: "abc123",
                file: readable
        }, function(err, res, body) {
            // send something to client

    I hope this helps unfortunately I am not familiar with busboy, but this should work with multer, and as I said before there problem is just that you are using un-implemented streams I'm sure there is a way to configure this operation with busboy if you wanted.