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Smaller Images from Picasa

Does anyone know if there is a way to get a list of all of the image sizes that picasa is hosting?

I've been using google's gdata java library for picasa, and I'm able to get a list of thumbnails ranging in size (3 in all of the cases that I've seen), and the full, original posted image - all from the PhotoEntry object.

However, I notice that when you browse, it also has a large, but possibly not full size image that's suitable for displaying on screen. For example, an image loaded at 1600x1200 has another image at: 912x684. But this image doesn't appear anywhere PhotoEntry (or in the underlying feed XML - at least for the way I'm querying).

I notice that the url is almost the same (but introduces 's912' indicating the size), e.g.:

With enough examples, I could probably guess the generated sizes, and hack the url. But I'm hoping that there are other ideas - or that I'm overlooking something easy. Probably should post to a Google forum, but this site is more fun.


  • The uncropped generated sizes are:

    94, 110, 128, 200, 220, 288, 320, 400, 512, 576, 640, 720, 800, 912, 1024, 1152, 1280, 1440, 1600

    More info can be found in the section titled "Picasa Web Albums query parameters reference" at