Ive got a project to make for a party, its called in holland a "Babbelbox".
its a computer with a webcam and microphone that can be used to make a kind of video log of everyone who wants to say something about the party.
But the problem is that i dont know where to start. ive made a kind of video show system in c but i cant save any data to a good format so it wont jam my harddisk in one hour full.
Record video + audio
Recoding has to start after pressing a button
Good compression over the recorded videos (would be even better if it can to be read by final cut pro or premiere pro)
Light wight programm would be nice but i could scale up the computer power
We built one from soup to nuts. That includes software, hardware, a full booth, touch-screen, and even themed it as a cultish confessional in honor of our boss. See http://www.cultoftom.com for the gory details.