I am trying to created stacked bar chart using C3 chart. But i am facing problem as i am trying to plot a graph with string values. My data looks like this
var data1=["Country", "Denmark", "India"]
var data2=["Value", 1, 1]
var X=["Item",'Item1','Item2]
data: {
type: 'bar' ,
groups: [
['data1', 'data2']
I just want to display the values using the tooltip functionality of C3-chart.Is there a way to make my bar chart independent of the y-axis?
If I understand correctly, you could do something like this: http://jsbin.com/dowogejose/1/edit?html,js,output
Basically set a value of 1 for each country:
columns: [
['Denmark', 1],
['India', 1]
Then set the callback function on the tooltip format to get the value from a lookup:
tooltip: {
format: {
value: function(value, ratio, id, index) {
var lookup = {
'Denmark': 123,
'India': 456
return lookup[id];
You could even store the lookup value outside of the tooltip callback, and generate the columns array using this object.