When parallel SonarQube analyses are started, all but one will be rejected / fail with error: The project is already being analysed.
I learned on this mailing list entry that it is possible to override this check by adding --define sonar.forceAnalysis=true
to my Apache Maven command.
Thus (to repeat the title): Is it always safe to define sonar.forceAnalysis=true
for SonarQube analysis?
Why do I care / ask?
This property is deprecated since SonarQube 3.5 and no longer necessary. See http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Frequently+Asked+Questions#FrequentlyAskedQuestions-Failedtoanalyseaprojectasanotheranalysisonthesameprojectseemstoberunningatthesametime(SonarQube3.4only)