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Generate Javadoc for OSGi bundle

I'm newbie in OSGi world but I was able to do some Camel and OSGi bundles to do some tasks in a middleware. Everything I made since was a proof of concept, but now I want to refactor some part of my code and I start writing a OSGi bundle who will contain common functionalities shared among other OSGi bundles.

To make it clean, I decide to write comments and use javadoc to get sleek documentation, but I'm stuck with this error:

Error resolving version for plugin 
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin' from the repositories

I was able to run javadoc for another Camel component;

We have a local repository with the dependency maven-javadoc-plugin in;

I add the dependency maven-javadoc-plugin to my project;

I'm running out of ideas why it doesn't work.

Maybe I'm wrong and I using OSGi bundle in a wrong way...


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


<name>uces OSGi Bundle</name>



            <!-- To include a shell:
                                    <pathconvert property="plugins.jars" pathsep="${path.separator}">
                                        <path refid="maven.runtime.classpath"/>
                                        <map from="${}${file.separator}classes" to=""/>
                                    <pathconvert pathsep=" " property="bundles">
                                        <path path="${plugins.jars}"/>
                                                <globmapper from="*" to="file:modules/*" casesensitive="no"/>
                                    <propertyfile file="${}/">
                                        <entry key="" value="${bundles} file:modules/${}.jar"/>
                                        <entry key="org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation" value="*"/>
                                    <copy file="${}" tofile="${}/felix.jar"/>
            <!-- useless from Maven since stdin is swallowed -->
                            <property name="vm.args" value=""/>
                            <pathconvert property="plugins.jars" pathsep="${path.separator}">
                                <path refid="maven.runtime.classpath"/>
                                <map from="${}${file.separator}classes" to=""/>
                            <makeurl property="urls" separator=" ">
                                <path path="${plugins.jars}"/>
                                <path location="${}/${}.jar"/>
                            <propertyfile file="${}/">
                                <entry key="" value="${urls}"/>
                                <entry key="" value="uninstall,install,update,start"/>
                                <entry key="" value="${}${file.separator}felix-cache"/>
                                <entry key="org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation" value="*"/>
                            <makeurl property="" file="${}/"/>
                            <java fork="true" jar="${}">
                                <sysproperty key="" value="${}"/>
                                <jvmarg line="${vm.args}"/>


  • Ok, i finally found my response after digging more deeply in javadoc page (Javadoc documentation) and add these lines into the build section:
