I have a batch file which calls other programs to open and run.
I want this batch file to run overnight while my computer is locked. I use Windows Task Scheduler to run this program overnight. The batch file runs fine except when it gets to start Check1.msl
. Then windows can't seem to find that file. When I unlock my computer and manually execute the batch file, it has no problem finding and running those files.
Here is my code:
@echo off
Start Check1.msl
PING -w 1000 -n 1
start passwordinjector.vbs
IF EXIST C:\Users\Username\Desktop\New folder\check.rpt (
taskkill /IM MAINRDW.exe >nul
PING -w 500 -n 1
Start Trial.msl
PING -w 1000 -n 1
start passwordinjector.vbs
Del C:\Users\Username\Desktop\New folder\check.rpt
) ELSE (
PING -w 500 -n 1
taskkill /IM MAINRDW.exe >nul
I've been trying it out for awhile now. To test it, I simply use Windows Task Scheduler to run it a minute out then lock my computer and wait for the Scheduler to kick in.
Here is what I have so far:
@echo off
cd /d "%~dp0"
PING -w 2000 -n 1
echo starting the check1 msl file
Start Check1.msl
PING -w 2000 -n 1
echo starting the password injector file
WScript //B passwordinjector.vbs
IF EXIST C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\New folder\check.rpt (
echo check if the check exists
taskkill /IM MAINRDW.exe /f >nul 2>&1
PING -w 2000 -n 1
echo It does exist, so run the next Trial msl
Start Trial.msl
PING -w 3000 -n 1
WScript //B passwordinjector.vbs
Del C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\New folder\check.rpt
) ELSE (
PING -w 1000 -n 1
it doesnt exits
taskkill /IM MAINRDW.exe /f >nul 2>&1
It is very hard to troubleshoot batch files. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it. Through trial and error, I figured out (still not sure) that it wasn't executing the .vbs script. So I looked it up online from Microsoft's developer network and got the syntax WScript //B
I put a pause
into the code to break it down and make sure it is doing what it is supposed to do. Its not.
The Check1.msl
will spit out a file named check.rpt
. When i run it manually and the batch file pauses - check.rpt
is there. I schedule the task and lock my computer. When I log back in, the msl program is open and the cmd prompt is sitting at pause but there is NO check.rpt
Here is what I have at the beginning:
PUSHD "%~dp0
ECHO CD is now %CD%
PING -w 2000 -n 1
echo starting the check1 msl file
DIR Check1.msl
Start Check1.msl
PING -w 2000 -n 1
echo starting the password injector file
WScript //B passwordinjector.vbs
I've tried cscript passwordinjector.vbs
to no avail.
It seems like the issue lies in the VBScript. I use .sendkey
to inject the password. This is retricted while the computer is locked; so I'm out of luck.