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Application freezes when trying to read Author from .doc multiple files

I'm trying to make an app that displays all authors of .doc files from a Folder and its subfolders, the problem is that I used Directory.GetFiles("*.doc", SearchOption.AllDirectories) and when I'm trying to read from a folder with very much files, the app freeze in this point. Here is my code

FileInfo[] Files = dir.GetFiles("*.doc", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach(FileInfo file in Files) 
        using(WordprocessingDocument sourcePresentationDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(file.FullName, false)) 
            metadataList.Add(new Metadata() 
                Name = "Title", Value = file.Name
            metadataList.Add(new Metadata() 
                Name = "Author", Value = sourcePresentationDocument.PackageProperties.Creator
            metadataList.Add(new Metadata() 
                Name = "", Value = ""


  • I think you dont need this "WordprocessingDocument" - this is producing a heavy load - you can just read the meta-information via .net default file methods.

    For an example, you should take a look at Read/Write 'Extended' file properties (C#)