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Meteor sends entire array when only single element is updated

I have a collection that has a 10 x 10 2-d array field. When I update an element in this array, the entire field is sent back to me as changed.

I update one element of array and the entire array is sent back as changed

entire field is changed

Is there a better way to do the update part?

I'm new to noSQL so maybe I just need to rethink my database setup. This would be a little depressing as I love the simplicity of being able to map javascript objects directly to fields in a single collection. I, however, am not willing to lose ~500 bytes of overhead every time I update this thing.

Is there a way to force Meteor to update the client with more fine-grained changes? Or is this a limitation of how Meteor Livequery works?



  • The problem is that DDP only supports changed messages at the top-level field granularity. With your current structure, any change to a sub-field of squares will result in the entire squares field being transmitted to the client.

    One alternative is to store each element of the 2D array as a separate, top-level field. Below is a complete working example using a - character to separate the elements:

    var pool2squares = function(pool) {
      var squares = [];
      _.each(pool, function(value, key) {
        var parts = key.split('-');
        if (parts[0] === 'squares') {
          var i = Number(parts[1]);
          var j = Number(parts[2]);
          if (squares[i] == null)
            squares[i] = [];
          squares[i][j] = value;
      return squares;
    Pools = new Mongo.Collection('pools', {
      transform: function(doc) {
        return _.extend(doc, {squares: pool2squares(doc)});
    Meteor.startup(function() {
        'squares-0-0': 'a',
        'squares-0-1': 'b',
        'squares-1-0': 'c',
        'squares-1-1': 'd'

    Here we are using a collection transform to add a squares property to each Pool document whenever it's fetched. The above code will print:

    [ [ 'a', 'b' ], [ 'c', 'd' ] ]

    To update a Pool:

    Pools.update(id, {$set: {'squares-3-4': 'hello'}});