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Is it Possible to have Multiple Kettle property files with multiple values but same parameter name

Is it Possible to have Multiple Kettle property files with multiple values but same parameter name For example.I am having client_id and client_name defined in kettle properties as 1 and Microsoft and also i wanted to store same parameters but the values are difference client_id=2 client_name=Google in a separate file in a separate folder.So is it possible to have same ETL in multiple folder structure with multiple that during execution of each of the two ETL's it will read the parameters from the kettle properties and going to load into the output with different values accordingly.


  • Absolutely, this is how it works. To put it into shell code, here's an example for the same extraction process with completely different property files in different paths, writing two different log files (example for Linux, the idea for Windows is similar):

    Client #1's command:

    ~/path/to/your/pdi/environment/base/ - \
    file=/path/to/your/extraction/Your_main_process_job.kjb - \
    param:Extraction.Properties.Filename.Directory=/path/to/client_1_config/ \
    > ~/path/to/client_1_log/batch_run_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d_\%H\%M).log&
    • invoking shell script with job file file Your_main_process_job.kjb
    • with configuration directory client_1_config
    • with output log to client_1_log log folder

    Client #2's command:

    ~/path/to/your/pdi/environment/base/ - \
    file=/path/to/your/extraction/Your_main_process_job.kjb - \
    param:Extraction.Properties.Filename.Directory=/path/to/client_2_config/ \
    > ~/path/to/client_2_log/batch_run_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d_\%H\%M).log&
    • same as above
    • with configuration directory client_2_config
    • with output log to client_2_log log folder

    I hope this helps.