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EasyNetQ.ManagementClient for to get msg rate per queue

I'm using EasyNetQ.ManagementClient nuget package for getting some stats on the rabbit. In the Web Management you can see the msg rates per queueenter image description here

But I can't get the same rates just for queues in code when using EasyNetQ.ManagementClient, is it possible to get them?

var managementClient = new ManagementClient("http://ipadress", "guest", "guest");
var overview = managementClient.GetOverview();
var publishRate = overview.MessageStats.PublishDetails.Rate; // this is for all queues together
var queues = managementClient.GetQueues();
foreach (var q in queues)
  // q doesn't have any rates properties

Thanks in advance


  • I haven't figure this out but insted of using EasyNetQ.ManagementClient nuget package I do a web request to rabbit's api on http://ipadress:15672/api/queues and get JSON back in response with all the information that I need.