I recently updated my iOS app using Facebook v3 to Facebook v4 (with Parse & Parse-UI iOS).
Problem is that FBFriendPicker seemed to disappear. Did someone find how to get such feature with the new SDK for iOS ?
You can replace the Facebook SDK with the latest Facebook SDK 4.x and try the following code.
FBSDKAppInviteContent *content =[[FBSDKAppInviteContent alloc] init];
content.appLinkURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://fb.me/appId"];
//optionally set previewImageURL
content.previewImageURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://exampleurl.jpg"];
// present the dialog. Assumes self implements protocol `FBSDKAppInviteDialogDelegate`
[FBSDKAppInviteDialog showWithContent:content
For more detail please have a look into App Invite Through Facebook SDK
For generate app link please check How To Generate App Link