100 random unique values from two ranges or to be more accurate there is one range and a subrange that is excluded from valid values.
Example have a range from 0 to 10000, random 100 numbers that are not in range 10 to 20
I know random.sample(xrange(0,10000),100)
gives 100 unique values.
Setup I would store three values [start,end,total]
Best I can come up with:
while len(randlist)<100:
if temp < start or temp > end:
if temp not in randlist:
Is this true random (pseudorandom) or am I affecting it in any way?
randlist = [r + (end - start + 1) * (r >= start) for r in
random.sample(range(total - end + start), 100)]
Example / "proof":
>>> sorted(randlist2(2000000000, 10000000, 1900000000))
[176827, 3235435, 3278133, 3673989, 5148447, 8314140, 8885997, 1900189345, 1902880599,
1997494057, 1997538971, 1997854443, 1997907285]
This works until over 2 billion, easily beating the required upper limit of "the number of wikipedia english wikipedia pages, so whatever many million that is" :-). After that it gets OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C ssize_t
. I see no spike in memory usage of my PC and the result is instant. This is using Python 3, obviously.