I am POSTing some JSON data and adding an Authorization
header. However, the request object does not have the correct authorization property. HTTP_AUTHORIZATION
and headers
both show the proper authorization details.
{'authorization': None,
'cookies': {},
'environ': {'CONTENT_LENGTH': '81',
'CONTENT_TYPE': u'application/json',
'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/json',
'HTTP_HOST': 'test',
'PATH_INFO': '/v1/test',
'SERVER_NAME': 'test',
'SERVER_PORT': '80',
'flask._preserve_context': False,
'werkzeug.request': <Request 'http://test/v1/test' [POST]>,
'wsgi.errors': <open file '<stderr>', mode 'w' at 0x10d5471e0>,
'wsgi.input': <_io.BytesIO object at 0x11074c410>,
'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
'wsgi.multithread': False,
'wsgi.run_once': False,
'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
'wsgi.version': (1, 0)},
'headers': EnvironHeaders([('Authorization', testkey:'), ('Host', u'test'), ('Content-Length', u'81'), ('Content-Type', u'application/json')]),
'shallow': False,
'url': u'http://test/v1/test',
'url_rule': <Rule '/v1/test' (POST, OPTIONS) -> testresource>,
'view_args': {}}
Your authorization header ('Authorization', 'testkey:')
needs to be Base64 encoded and include Basic
in python:
import base64
base64.b64encode('testkey:') # 'dGVzdGtleTo='
in javascript set your header using btoa
'{"Authorization": "Basic ' + btoa('testkey:') + '"}'
'{"Authorization": "Basic dGVzdGtleTo="}'
In your case, the this will result in the header coming in as:
('Authorization', 'Basic dGVzdGtleTo=')