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Recording values of radio buttons in ember

I am fairly new to Ember (using version 0.2.3). I have a component with a few computed values. They gather these computed values from input fields:

export default Component.extend({
  loanAmount : 200000,
  deductible : 0,
  debtInt : 5,

  getLoanCosts: computed('loanAmount', 'debtInt', function(){
    return (get(this, 'debtInt')/12) * get(this, 'loanAmount');

On my template.hbs, I have an input field {{ input value=loanAmount }} and I can call {{getLoanCosts}} in my template.hbs, to show the computed cost. This works great for text/number inputs.

However, I need to have a radio button input with two values (Yes and No). This should line up with the deductible value in my component (i.e. is this loan deductible?). However, if I do:

Yes {{ input type="radio" name="deductible" value=deductible }}
No {{ input type="radio" name="deductible" value=deductible }}

I can't set values for these two inputs, like I can with straight HTML. If I set value=0 and value=1, they never update in my component. How can I update my deductible in the component based on whether Yes or No is selected?


  • Yeah so Ember doesn't have built in support for a radio button. Try making your own component! And by make your own I mean shameless steal one from the internet.

    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
      tagName: 'input',
      type: 'radio',
      attributeBindings: ['type', 'htmlChecked:checked', 'value', 'name', 'disabled'],
      htmlChecked: function() {
        return this.get('value') === this.get('checked');
      }.property('value', 'checked'),
      change: function() {
        this.set('checked', this.get('value'));
      _updateElementValue: function() {, function() {
          this.$().prop('checked', this.get('htmlChecked'));

    And in component, the radio buttons still have values, but the binding of the selection is to the passed in checked property:

    Yes{{radio-button value='1' checked=choice}}
    No{{radio-button value='0' checked=choice}}