I have been trying to upload a file (output of RMagick processing ) to s3 using paperclip. I keep getting the error
No handler found for http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/EBay_logo.png/800px-EBay_logo.png=>800px-EBay_logo.png PNG 800x349 800x349+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 37kb
Basically, in my system - a user uploads a logo using external url, I process the logo and trim whitespace and upload to my s3 system. I have been using a temp file as the middle man, But I want to do it directly:
In my Model, I do this:
def fetch_and_trim_logo
puts "logo is #{logo}"
if logo_changed?
response = RestClient.get logo
if response.code == 200
img = Magick::Image::read(logo)[0]
puts "This image is #{img.columns}x#{img.rows} pixels"
trimmed_img = img.trim
puts "Trimmed image is #{trimmed_img.columns}x#{trimmed_img.rows} pixels"
temp_file = Tempfile.new(["trimmed_image",".png"])
trimmed_img.write("png:" + temp_file.path)
my_asset = visitor.user.my_assets.new
my_asset.uploaded_file = temp_file
My My_asset Model has all the paperclip setup, like so:
Class MyAsset<ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :uploaded_file
attr_accessible :uploaded_file
validates_attachment_size :uploaded_file, :less_than=>5.megabyte
has_attached_file :picture,
:styles => { :thumb => "300x300#" },
:default_url => "//#{ENV['CLOUDFRONT_URL']}/assets/picture_missing.png"
This method works! but when I change
my_asset = visitor.user.my_assets.new
my_asset.uploaded_file = temp_file
my_asset = visitor.user.my_assets.new
my_asset.uploaded_file = trimmed_img
where trimmed_img is the output of RMagick processing, I get the error "No Handler found"
any ideas how to fix this?
Okay, the solution was to change the Magic image object to File object before uploading it to Paperlip
processed_image = StringIO.open(trimmed_img.to_blob)
then upload processed image directly with paperclip