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Delete pages using fpdf

I would like to remove some pages from my PDF created using fpdf library,

$pdf = new PDF();

Is there any function to remove the page. I am not familiar with FPDF.


  • You want to use FPDI. Get out of the mentality of "deleting" a page. Instead, view it as "not inserting" a page. Let's say I want to skip pages 3, 15, 17, and 22. Here's how you do it:

    $pdf = new FPDI();
    $pageCount = $pdf->setSourceFile('document.pdf');
    //  Array of pages to skip -- modify this to fit your needs
    $skipPages = [3,15,17,22];
    //  Add all pages of source to new document
    for( $pageNo=1; $pageNo<=$pageCount; $pageNo++ )
        //  Skip undesired pages
        if( in_array($pageNo,$skipPages) )
        //  Add page to the document
        $templateID = $pdf->importPage($pageNo);

    Please note that I didn't include a lot of things you could do with FPDI, including determining the orientation of the page. I also skipped out on some error checking for the sake of simplicity. View this as a template to work off of, not as the final code, because it is ultimately just a quick skeleton.