Search code examples

Trim field value, or remove part of the value

I am trying to adjust path name so that it no longer has the time stamp attached to the end. I am input many different logs so it would be impractical to write a conditional filter for every possible log. If possible I would just like to trim the last nine characters of the value.

For example "random.log-20140827" would become "random.log".


  • So if you know it's always going to be random.log-something --

    if [path] =~ /random.log/ {
      mutate {
         replace => ["path", "random.log"]

    If you want to "fix" anything that has a date in it:

    if [path] =~ /-\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/ {
       grok {
          match => [ "path", "^(?<pathPrefix>[^-]+)-" ]
       mutate {
          replace => ["path", "%{pathPrefix}"]
          remove_field => "pathPrefix"

    Of the two, the first is going to be less compute intensive.

    I haven't tested either of these, but they should work.