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Perl how to parse INI files that contains variables?

An INI file can have variables inside it like:


Now, the Perl library Config::IniFiles doesn't seems to parse it, it passes it as raw strings

my $result = tie %info, 'Config::IniFiles', ( -file => $ini_file );

In Python there's a similar package called ConfigParser.RawConfigParser - that won't convert the variables, but then you can use ConfigParser.ConfigParser and it will.

Is there something similar in Perl, or a fix to what I'm looking for ?


  • If you can't find an existing parser for the config file format you are using, you could simply use

    sub get_conf {
       my ($hash, $key) = @_;
       my $val = $hash{key};
       return undef if !defined($val);
       $val =~ s{%\(([^()]*)\)}{ get($hash, $1) // "" }eg;
       return $val;
    my $home = get_conf(\%conf, 'home');