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DomDocument/DOMXPath - How to get HTML Dom element by itemprop and img src

I am working on a script which is getting data from HTML DOM elements.

Here is my code:

$url = '';
$doc = new DOMDocument();

$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);

$Name = $xpath->query('//span[@id="ProductName"]')->item(0)->nodeValue;

echo $Name;

This code is simply taking the text inside <span id="ProductName"></span>. I know how to get the data from elements with specific class or id.

I don't know how I can get the src="" (pure example) from image tag or how I can get elements which do not have id or class but have attribute like itemprop, for example <div itemprop="name"></div>

  1. How can I get the image src?
  2. How can I get elements with itemprop?


  • For your examples:


    This means

    Select all src attributes of all img tags and get the value of the first


    This means

    Select all divs with itemprop attr equals name and get the value of the first.