Search code examples

Fitnesse and dbFit: unable to use variable in store query

|set option|bind symbols|false|

!|Query|!-select acct_id ts from dual-!|

|Set Parameter|acct_id|<<acct_id|

!|query|SELECT * from table1 where id=:acct_id|

getting error as below:

ava.lang.Error: java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1
at dbfit.fixture.StoreQuery.doTable(
at fit.Fixture.interpretFollowingTables(
at fit.Fixture.interpretTables(
at fit.Fixture.doTables(
at fit.FitServer.process(
at fit.FitServer.main(

Is there any way to get it working?


  • when you are using variables in the script using ":vaiableName" then you need to set bind symbols to true.

    |set option|bind symbols|true|