Following on from Removing child elements in XML using python ...
Thanks to @Tichodroma, I have this code:
If you can use lxml, try this:
import lxml.etree
tree = lxml.etree.parse("leg.xml")
for dog in tree.xpath("//Leg1:Dog",
namespaces={"Leg1": "http://what.not"}):
parent = dog.xpath("..")[0]
parent.text = None
Now leg.out.xml
looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Leg1:MOR xmlns:Leg1="http://what.not" oCount="7">
<Leg1:CTemp id="FO">
<Leg1:Group bNum="001" cCount="4"/>
<Leg1:Group bNum="002" cCount="4"/>
<Leg1:CTemp id="GO">
<Leg1:Group bNum="001" cCount="4"/>
<Leg1:Group bNum="002" cCount="4"/>
How do I modify my code to remove the Leg1:
namespace prefix from all of the elements' tag names?
One possible way to remove namespace prefix from each element :
def strip_ns_prefix(tree):
#iterate through only element nodes (skip comment node, text node, etc) :
for element in tree.xpath('descendant-or-self::*'):
#if element has prefix...
if element.prefix:
#replace element name with its local name
element.tag = etree.QName(element).localname
return tree
Another version which has namespace checking in the xpath instead of using if
statement :
def strip_ns_prefix(tree):
#xpath query for selecting all element nodes in namespace
query = "descendant-or-self::*[namespace-uri()!='']"
#for each element returned by the above xpath query...
for element in tree.xpath(query):
#replace element name with its local name
element.tag = etree.QName(element).localname
return tree