Search code examples

WM_CONCAT duplicates removal

I have a table like below.

   colA       colB
   12345      NHS,CDE,BCD
   12345      NHS,ABC,DEF

Need to display the data in below format

   colA       colB
   12345      NHS,ABC,BCD,CDE,DEF

I need generalized solution to remove the duplicate NHS, which comes first, and then put the remaining words in alphabetical order.


  • Firstly, never use WM_CONCAT since it is undocumented and is no more available in the latest version 12c. See Why not use WM_CONCAT function in Oracle? and Why does the wm_concat not work here?

    Since you are on 11g, you could use LISTAGG.

    The below query does following things:

    1. Split the comma delimited string into rows.
    2. Apply string aggregation using LISTAGG.
    3. CASE expression to handle the custom ordering.

    For example,

      2      SELECT 12345 colA, 'NHS,CDE,BCD' colB FROM dual UNION ALL
      3      SELECT 12345 colA, 'NHS,ABC,DEF' colB FROM dual
      4      )
      5  SELECT cola,
      6    listagg(colb, ',') WITHIN GROUP(
      7  ORDER BY
      8    CASE colb
      9      WHEN 'NHS'
     10      THEN 1
     11      ELSE 2
     12    END, colb) colb
     13  FROM
     14    (SELECT DISTINCT cola,
     15      trim(regexp_substr(colb, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) colb
     16    FROM DATA
     17      CONNECT BY LEVEL <= regexp_count(colb, ',')+1
     18    ORDER BY colb
     19    )
     20  GROUP BY cola
     21  /
          COLA COLB
    ---------- ------------------------------
         12345 NHS,ABC,BCD,CDE,DEF

    Edit As @AlexPoole pointed out, explicit ordering was missing and previous query(see edit history) relied on the distinct ordering of the values.