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Distribution for Platfora and Datameer

I am interested in installing Platfora and Datameer analytic tools. My doubt is in the documentation of both these tools, we see for existing Hadoop distributions, they have given the compatibility list including CDH, HDP, and MapR. But I wanted to install these in existing plain Hadoop. I.e. I have installed Hadoop by downloading Apache Hadoop components one by one and prepared the cluster.

Will these tools work in this case?


  • Yes it works. As long you use the "latest stabile" Yarn, HDFS and Map Reduce version - Datameer will work without any issue. Anything beyond that does not matter since Datameer is not using Hive, Oozie or any other component but brings things like tez, spark etc pre-packaged within the application and runs it transparent for you on Yarn. As of today we support 50 different versions of Hadoop.

    I obviously can't speak for Platflora but they don't really run native on Hadoop anyhow but just pull data out of Hadoop into their in memory columnar database that runs on an extra cluster: + extra expansive hardware (memory intense) + structured data only since SQL (remember Hadoop was build as NO-SQL) + small data only (since in memory) + no advanced analytics like graph analytics since SQL based

    HTH Stefan (I work at Datameer)