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Trello Manatee adding attachment

I am trying to add an attachment to a pre-created Trello card using Manatee API.

This is how I create the card, I have no problems with it:

        /// <summary>
        ///  This function creates a card on Trello <Board_Name> board, into the list named <List_Name>.
        ///  It creates a card with the title and descrition comming from the function which is called
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subject"> This is the subject (Title) of the ticket </param>
        /// <param name="body"> This is the body section (description) of the ticket </param>
        public string createTrelloTicketCard(string subject, string body)
            string cardId = null;
            trelloToken = adminTrelloToken; // define who is creating the card

            Run(() =>
                TrelloProcessor.WaitForPendingRequests = true;
                var board = new Board(<Board_ID>); // board id
                var list = board.Lists[5]; // The sixth list of the board 

                var card = list.Cards.Add(subject); // create a card with the subject from tblTasks
                cardId = card.Id; // get the created card ID
                card.Description = body; // define description from tblTasks
                // Add all the IT members to the card
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItMembersInBoard; i ++)

            return cardId;

This is how I try adding attachment to the card. The problem occurs in this function:

public void InsertAttachementIntoTrelloCard(string cardId, byte[] buffer, string name)
            Run(() =>
                TrelloProcessor.WaitForPendingRequests = true;

                var board = new Board(<Board_ID>); // board id
                var list = board.Lists[5]; // The sixth list of the board 
                var card = new Card(cardId); // specify the card that the file is going to be attached
                card.Description = "Test3";

                card.Attachments.Add(buffer, name); // Here I get the error

When I try attaching the file I get an error starting with this sentence:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I am pretty sure the created byte array is correct and when I remove that line the program ends without any errors. Am I using the wrong method ?

Here is the Stack Trace:

ex.Message = "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

ex.StackTrace = " at Manatee.Trello.Internal.DataAccess.JsonRepository.PrepRequest(IRestRequest request, TrelloAuthorization auth) in e:\Projects\Manatee.Trello\Manatee.Trello\Internal\DataAccess\JsonRepository.cs:line 79 at Manatee.Trello.Internal.DataAccess.JsonRepository.BuildRequest(TrelloAuthorization auth, Endpoint endpoint, IDictionary`2 parameters) in e:\Projects\Manatee.Trello\Manatee.Trello\Internal\DataAccess\JsonRepository.cs:line 74 at Manatee.Trello.Internal.DataAccess.JsonRepository.Execute[T](TrelloAuthorization auth, Endpoint endpoint, IDictionary'2 parameters) in e:\Projects\Manatee.Trello\Manatee.Trello\Internal\DataAccess\JsonRepository.cs:line 46 at Manatee.Trello.AttachmentCollection.Add(Byte[] data, String name) in e:\Projects\Manatee.Trello\Manatee.Trello\AttachmentCollection.cs:line 112 at Live.XmlFax.XmlFaxForm.<>c__DisplayClass8.b__7() in c:\Users\arif.gencosmanoglu\Documents\EnteringC#\Printer Project\XmlFax\XmlFaxForm.cs:line 2035 at Live.XmlFax.XmlFaxForm.Run(Action action) in c:\Users\arif.gencosmanoglu\Documents\EnteringC#\Printer Project\XmlFax\XmlFaxForm.cs:line 1724 at Live.XmlFax.XmlFaxForm.InsertAttachementIntoTrelloCard(String cardId, Byte[] buffer, String name) in c:\Users\arif.gencosmanoglu\Documents\EnteringC#\Printer Project\XmlFax\XmlFaxForm.cs:line 2023 at Live.XmlFax.XmlFaxForm.ReadTicketEmail() in c:\Users\arif.gencosmanoglu\Documents\EnteringC#\Printer Project\XmlFax\XmlFaxForm.cs:line 1981 at Live.XmlFax.XmlFaxForm.cmdItTicket_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:\Users\arif.gencosmanoglu\Documents\EnteringC#\Printer Project\XmlFax\XmlFaxForm.cs:line 1884


  • I don't know where the problem is. Every path to that point in the stack trace has all of the dependencies covered, and that error shouldn't happen.

    Please make sure you have the latest of the following Nuget packages:

    • Manatee.Trello
    • Manatee.Trello.ManateeJson
    • Manatee.Trello.RestSharp