newbie warning...
I followed a good tutorial (from FreeCodeCamp) to setup a new Mean.JS stack in Cloud9.
The tutorial says to start the application by running the command:
npm start
Which works just fine... except that the debugger doesn't attach and I can't use breakpoints, etc.
What magic am I missing?
Figured it out on my own, sort of (no, it didn't take all 2 days). Here's the detailed "whats up" for the future newbies to stumble on this...
The tutorial said to start the app with the npm command:
npm start
For some reason not yet clear to me, npm calls the "start script" that is specified in package.json at the path... /scripts/start (and some other stuff... read the manual).
The default install had this in the scripts section:
"scripts": {
"start": "grunt",
"test": "grunt test",
"postinstall": "bower install --config.interactive=false"
npm start
is really just a fancy way of running...
Grunt is a "javascript task runner", which looks like it runs the javascript in gruntfile.js - also populated by the default install.
gruntfile.js has this entry:
nodemon: {
dev: {
script: 'server.js',
options: {
nodeArgs: ['--debug'],
ext: 'js,html',
watch: watchFiles.serverViews.concat(watchFiles.serverJS)
At some point, grunt is firing off the node server startup command as evidenced by the output message:
[nodemon] starting `node --debug server.js`
... But cloud9 is not respecting the --debug request for some reason... to many fancy indirections or something.
So what I did was create a new cloud9 run configuration (Run (menu) > Run Configurations > New Run Configuration):
Name: debug
Command: server <<< this just executes server.js
Runner: Node.js
Then I can use this to debug. It does seem to be working ok, but just a few minutes into it at this point. There does seem to be a bunch of stuff that is skipped by starting the app this way... but the debugger sure does come in handy. I'll try to use this just when I want to debug.
I love learning new technologies... just wish it was faster.
b.t.w. if anyone has a better solution or more experienced perspective on this, I'd be happy to mark a good response as the answer!
ON EDIT 2 hrs after posting
Another nice side effect of this alternate run approach is that it takes WAY less memory to run!!!! I no longer get the warning messages asking me to upgrade my precious cloud 9 free account.