I'm trying to create a bubble sort with assembly. I've done so successfully with nearly identical code, only now I'm passing in a LOCAL
array instead of one defined in the .data
section. Everything runs, but there seems to be no switching.
Here is the code
call main
main PROC
LOCAL numArray[5]:DWORD ; Create a local array for the numbers
mov [numArray + 0], 5
mov [numArray + 4], 4
mov [numArray + 8], 3
mov [numArray + 12], 2
mov [numArray + 16], 1
push numArray
call BubbleSort
main ENDP
array EQU [ebp + 8]
BubbleSort PROC
enter 4, 0 ; Enter with one int local memory (for flag)
mov ecx, 1 ; Set the count to 1
mov FLAG, 0 ; And clear the flag (Detects if anything changes
inner_bubble_loop: ; Loop through all values
mov ebx, [array + ecx * 4 - 4] ; Move the (n - 1)th index to ebx
cmp ebx, [array + ecx * 4] ; Compare ebx against the (n)th index
jle end_loop ; If the result was less than or equal, skip the swapping part
mov ebx, [array + ecx * 4] ; Move (n) into ebx
mov edx, [array + ecx * 4 - 4] ; Move (n - 1) into edx
mov [array + ecx * 4], edx ; Move (n - 1) into n
mov [array + ecx * 4 - 4], ebx ; Move (n) into (n - 1)
mov FLAG, 1 ; Set the changed flag
end_loop: ; End loop label
inc ecx ; Increase the count
cmp ecx, NDATES ; Check if we've made it to the end yet
jl inner_bubble_loop ; If not, repeat the inner loop
cmp FLAG, 0 ; Check if we changed anything
je loop_end ; If we didn't, go to the end
jmp outer_bubble_loop ; (Else) Jump to the beginning of the loop
loop_end: ; Loop end label
BubbleSort ENDP
My output is, strangely:
If I use a different data set, it doesn't do the duplication, but things still aren't moved.
Where am I going wrong with this?
; push numArray
lea eax, numArray
push eax
call BubbleSort
... unless I'm mistaken...
Edit: Ahhh... worse than that. I think you're going to have to "dereference" it in BubbleSort, too.
mov edx, array ; [ebp + 8], right?
; then use edx instead of "array"... or so...
Edit2 ; Whoops, you're already using edx in the swap. Use esi or edi, then...