Using Lift with Squeryl, how can I make two classes a subclass of the same class?
My classes look like the following:
class SubClass1 extends Record[SubClass1] with KeyedRecord[SubClass1] with CreatedUpdated[SubClass1] {
val id = ...
val field1a = StringField(...)
class SubClass2 extends Record[SubClass2] with KeyedRecord[SubClass2] with CreatedUpdated[SubClass2] {
val id = ...
val field2a = StringField(...)
I want SubClass1
and SubClass2
each to be a child class of some other class, say MyParentClass. So I would think that I would have to do something like this:
abstract class MyParentClass extends Record[MyParentClass] with KeyedRecord[MyParentClass] with CreatedUpdated[MyParentClass] {}
and then
class SubClass1 extends MyParentClass {
val id = ...
val field1a = StringField(...)
class SubClass2 extends MyParentClass {
val id = ...
val field2a = StringField(...)
This gives me errors, such as the fields (StringField
) etc. not conforming to the right type. Any suggestions on how to do this?
You abstract superclass can't define a concrete type parameter, since it needs to be overriden by the subclasses. Try:
abstract class MyParentClass[A <: MyParentClass]
extends Record[A] with KeyedRecord[A] with CreatedUpdated[A]
class SubClass extends MyParentClass[SubClass]