I'm trying to understand the preg_replace_callback
function. Inside my callback, I am getting the matched string twice instead of the just one time it appears in the subject string. You can go here and copy/paste this code into the tester and see that it returns two values when I would expect one.
The output looks like this:
array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "http://a" [1]=> string(8) "http://a" }
The documentation mentions returning an array if the subject is an array, or a string otherwise. What's happening?
You have a full pattern match \b(http(s)?://\S+)
in $match[0]
and a match for the parenthesized capture group (http(s)?://\S+)
in $match[1]
In this case just use $match[0]
something like:
$result = preg_replace_callback(
return $match[0] . '/something.php';
Replaces http://a
with http://a/something.php