I'm guessing this should be simple, but I'm stuck. How can I store a reference to a method in another prototype object (in this case actions
)? In the manner below I get undefined for my someFn and anotherFn methods.
class MyClass
constructor: ->
console.log @actions # returns
# returns:
# Object {someFn: undefined, anotherFn: undefined, someText "I am some text"}
someFn: @someFn
anotherFn: @anotherFn
someText: 'I am some text'
someFn: ->
console.log 'I am some function'
anotherFn: ->
console.log 'I am another function'
I'm using CoffeeScript, but for any plain JSers our there -
MyClass = function MyClass() {
MyClass.prototype.actions = {
someFn: MyClass.someFn,
anotherFn: MyClass.anotherFn,
someText: 'I am some text'
MyClass.prototype.someFn = function() {
return console.log('I am some function');
MyClass.prototype.anotherFn = function() {
return console.log('I am another function');
You cannot have objects on the prototype like that. You'll want to make that an instance property:
class MyClass
constructor: ->
@actions =
someFn: @someFn
anotherFn: @anotherFn
someText: 'I am some text'
console.log @actions # works as expected
someFn: ->
console.log 'I am some function'
anotherFn: ->
console.log 'I am another function'
If for some reason you really needed an object with the prototype functions on it, use ::
to access them (in the static context of creating the action
someFn: …
anotherFn: …
someFn: @::someFn
anotherFn: @::anotherFn
someText: 'I am some text'