I'm developing an ontology for a searching laboratory and I need to represent my class diagram with "Protege". I don't know how to represent relations cardinals. How can I do it for this one for example?
And what about the cardinals : 0...*
Thank you very much
To say that an instance of Faculty teaches at exactly one University, you'd use a property restriction and a subclass axiom:
(1) Faculty SubClassOf (teachesAt exactly 1 University)
To say that at least one instance of Faculty teaches at every University, you'd use another peoperty restriction and a subclass axiom, but you'll need to use the inverse property:
(2) University SubClassOf (inverse(teachesAt) min 1 University)
If you prefer, you can use some instead of min 1 in axiom (2).
In general, there are a few restrictions that will impose cardinalities:
So for some other ranges, you could say things like: