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How to enable automatic logging of SQL statements with Persistent

I have searched for a clear answer to this question but haven't been able to find one yet - How do I enable automatic logging of SQL statements being executed by persistent? Can someone give me a small example program for this?

Following is an example program that currently does not have logging. How do I enable logging in it?

share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase|
    name Text
    status Text Maybe
    deriving Show

main :: IO ()
main = runSqlite ":memory:" $ do
    runMigration migrateAll
    insert (Person "Oliver Charles" Nothing)
    insert (Person "Jon Snow" Nothing)
    insert (Person "Marky Mark" (Just "helloo helloo"))
    noStatusPeople >>= mapM_ (liftIO . print)
        noStatusPeople =
            select $ from $ \person -> do
                where_ (person ^. PersonStatus ==. val Nothing)
                return (person ^. PersonName)


  • You need to call your SQL code in a Monad that implements MonadLogger and not just IO. (see However, runSqlite already sets up the logging (to none...) for you, so you need to use the lower level function withSqliteConn. So for example, if you change your code to:

    import Control.Monad.Logger
    import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
    runResourceT $ runStdoutLoggingT $ withSqliteConn ":memory:" . runSqlConn  $ do...

    (with the proper dependencies on resourcet and monad-logger), you can have your SQL statement written to standard out.

    As a real-life example, have a look at my scion-class-browser project: in you see the call to runSqlite. runLogging is a helper function, to switch between logging or no logging, defined in (the currently build version does not log, replace by the commented out code).

    Of course, you can instead of using a simple dump to stdout or stderr, write your own implementation of MonadLogger that does what you want.

    As a side note, your code doesn't print out the matching records because you shouldn't compare with val Nothing but instead use isNothing:

    where_ (isNothing $ person ^. PersonStatus)