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How can I trim white space off image with Intervention?

I have a class that takes photos I download before reuploading to S3 for long-term storage and I want to trim the white space. When I store the temporary image (which works fine), I then try to call the Intervention trim() on it in my storeTempFile() method but that doesn't trim the white space. I'm thinking it could be the placement in my code?

class PhotoProcessor
  public function __construct(Listing $listing, $photoData)
    $this->bucket       = 'real-estate-listings';
    $this->s3           = App::make('aws')->get('s3');
    $this->tempFileName = 'app/storage/processing/images/retsphotoupload';
    $this->photoData    = $photoData;
    $this->listing      = $listing;
    $this->photo        = new RetsPhoto;

  public function process()

    $success = $this->pushToS3();

    // if Result has the full URL or you want to build it, add it to $this->photo
    unset ($this->photoData);
    return $success;

  private function storeTempFile()
    // return File::put($this->tempFileName, $this->photoData['Data']) > 0;
    File::put($this->tempFileName, $this->photoData['Data']);
    Image::make($this->tempFileName)->trim('top-left', null, 60);
    return($this->tempFileName) > 0;


  private function storeFileInfo()
    $fileInfo = getimagesize($this->tempFileName);
    // Could even be its own object
    $this->fileInfo = [
    'width'     => $fileInfo[0],
    'height'    => $fileInfo[1],
    'mimetype'  => $fileInfo['mime'],
    'extension' => $this->getFileExtension($fileInfo['mime'])

  private function buildPhoto()
    $this->photo->number = $this->photoData['Object-ID']; // Storing this because it is relevant order wise
    $this->photo->width  = $this->fileInfo['width'];
    $this->photo->height = $this->fileInfo['height'];
    $this->photo->path   = $this->getFilePath();

  private function getFilePath()
    $path   = [];
    if ($this->listing->City == NULL)
      $path[] = Str::slug('No City');
      $path[] = Str::slug($this->listing->City, $separator = '-'); 

    if ($this->listing->Subdivision->subdivision_display_name == NULL)
      $path[] = Str::slug('No Subdivision');
      $path[] = Str::slug($this->listing->Subdivision->subdivision_display_name, $separator = '-');  

    if ($this->listing->MLSNumber == NULL)
      $path[] = Str::slug('No MLSNumber');
      $path[] = Str::slug($this->listing->MLSNumber, $separator = '-');

      $path[] = $this->photoData['Object-ID'].'.'.$this->fileInfo['extension'];

      return strtolower(join('/', $path));


  private function pushToS3()
    return $this->s3->putObject([
      'Bucket'     => $this->bucket,
      'Key'        => $this->photo->path,
      'ContentType'=> $this->fileInfo['mimetype'],
      'SourceFile' => $this->tempFileName

  private function getFileExtension($mime)
    // Use better algorithm than this
    $ext = str_replace('image/', '', $mime);
    return $ext == 'jpeg' ? 'jpg' : $ext;

  private function removeTempFile()
    return File::delete($this->tempFileName);


  • trim() returns the trimmed image, but you are doing nothing with the return value. Try calling save() to persist the image to the filesystem:

    Image::make($this->tempFileName)->trim('top-left', null, 60)->save();
    //                                                            ^^^^^^