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Haskell: Type (without boilerplate) for a heterogeneous list of String and/or [String]?

I would like to have a heterogeneous list of String and [String], as such:

strs = ["h", ["x", "y"], "i", ["m", "n", "p"]]

I know I can do this with a custom data type:

data EitherOr t = StringS t | StringL [t]

eitherOrstrs :: [EitherOr String]
eitherOrstrs = [StringS "h", StringL ["x", "y"], StringS "i", StringL ["m", "n", "p"]]

But I'm curious as to whether this is possible without any boilerplate, as in strs above.

So far I've tried:

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

class Listable a where
  toListForm :: [String]

instance Listable String where
  toListForm s = [s]

instance Listable [String] where
  toListForm = id

strs :: forall a. Listable a => [a]
strs = ["h", ["x", "y"], "i", ["m", "n", "p"]]

But haven't yet found a working method:

The class method ‘toListForm’
mentions none of the type or kind variables of the class ‘Listable a’
When checking the class method: toListForm :: [String]
In the class declaration for ‘Listable’

Does anyone know if this is possible?


  • This will work for arbitrarily nested lists of strings with a few extension tricks:

    {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
    import GHC.Exts
    import Data.String
    data MyStringListThingy
        = String String
        | List [MyStringListThingy]
        deriving (Eq, Show)
    instance IsString MyStringListThingy where
        fromString = String
    instance IsList MyStringListThingy where
        type Item MyStringListThingy = MyStringListThingy
        fromList = List
        fromListN _ = List
        toList (String s) = [String s]
        toList (List ss) = ss
    strs :: MyStringListThingy
    strs = ["h", ["x", "y"], "i", ["m", "n", "p", ["q", ["r", "s"]]]]

    You need at least GHC 7.8 for this though, possibly 7.10 (I haven't tested with 7.8).

    This isn't precisely getting away without boilerplate, the compiler puts implicit function calls in front of each of those literals:

    strs = fL [fS "h", fL [fS "x", fS "y"], fS "i", fL [fS "m", fS "n", fS "p", fL [fS "q", fL [fS "r", fS "s"]]]]
            fL = fromList
            fS = fromString

    Although without the fL and fS aliasing, I only did that so I wouldn't have to type so much. It only feels boilerplate-free because the compiler puts those function calls in there for you, but you still will have the overhead of turning those values into MyStringListThingy.

    You could probably get away with heterogeneous lists of numbers using this trick as well, since numeric literals are also polymorphic, which is what the OverloadedStrings and OverloadedLists extensions do for those literals as well. By making a type that wraps lists and strings, then instances the requisite typeclasses you allow Haskell to cast from those literals to your custom type. The TypeFamilies extension is necessary for the IsList instance only. If you want to play with it in GHCi you'll have to enable all these extensions there as well, but it definitely works.

    A more generic implementation would be

    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
    import GHC.Exts
    import Data.String
    data NestedList a
        = Item a
        | List [NestedList a]
        deriving (Eq, Show)
    instance IsList (NestedList a) where
        type Item (NestedList a) = NestedList a
        fromList = List
        fromListN _ = List
        toList (List xs) = xs
        toList item = [item]
    instance IsString (NestedList String) where
        fromString = Item
    instance Num a => Num (NestedList a) where
        fromInteger = Item . fromInteger

    The Num instance doesn't implement everything it needs to, just enough to show off that this works

    > [1, [2, 3]] :: NestedList Int
    List [Item 1, List [Item 2, Item 3]]

    I wouldn't recommend using this in real code, though.