I am looking to calculate 9^19
. my code is:
cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
The result has the last 2 digits equal to 0
: 1350851717672992000
. In Python,9**19
got me 1350851717672992089L
. Seems a floating point issue. How could I raise the precision for pow
? or how to preform a better precision power than pow
I am compiling with gcc version 4.8.2.
It is indeed a floating-point issue: a typical 64-bit double
only gives 53 bits, or about 15 decimal digits, of precision.
You might (or might not) get more precision from long double
. Or, for integers up to about 1019, you could use uint64_t
. Otherwise, there's no standard type with more precision: you'll need a library such as GMP or Boost.Multiprecision.