Element by element, I want to concatenate binary values from different matrices to one matrix.
For example,
|1 0 0| |0 1 0| |10 01 00|
|0 1 1| |1 1 0| = |01 11 10|
|1 0 1| |0 0 1| |10 00 11|
How can this be done?
Here is one alternative without bin2dec
or dec2bin
out = arrayfun(@(x,y) strcat(num2str(x),num2str(y)),A1,A2,'Uni',0);
A1 = [1 0 0; 0 1 1; 1 0 1];
A2 = [0 1 0; 1 1 0; 0 0 1];
>> out
out =
'10' '01' '00'
'01' '11' '10'
'10' '00' '11'
If you want it as numeric instead of string, you might do this:
outp = cellfun(@(x) str2double(x), out);
>> outp
outp =
10 1 0
1 11 10
10 0 11