I am trying to parse a huge .dat file (4gb). I have tried with R but it just takes too long. Is there a way to parse a .dat file by segments, for example every 30000 lines? Any other solutions would also be welcomed.
This is what it looks like:
These are the first two lines with header:
01|35004|8610000US35004|35004(MOODY,AL)||00|Total for all sectors||2012|001|All establishments|167| <br/>
01|35004|8610000US35004|35004(MOODY,AL)||00|Total for all sectors||2012|212|Establishments with 1 to 4 employees|91|
This is an option to read data faster in R by using the fread
function in the data.table
I removed all <br/>
new-line tags. This is the edited dataset
01|35004|8610000US35004|35004(MOODY,AL)||00|Total for all sectors||2012|001|All establishments|167|
01|35004|8610000US35004|35004(MOODY,AL)||00|Total for all sectors||2012|212|Establishments with 1 to 4 employees|91|
Then I matched variables with classes. You should use nrows
~ 100.
colclasses = sapply(read.table(edited_data, nrows=1, sep="|", header=T),class)
Then I read the edited data.
your_data <- fread(edited_data, sep="|", sep2=NULL, nrows=-1L, header=T, na.strings="NA",
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, autostart=30L, skip=-1L, select=NULL,
Everything worked like a charm. In case you have problems removing the tags, use this simple Python script (it will take some time for sure):
original_file = file_path_to_original_file # e.g. "/Users/User/file.dat"
edited_file = file_path_to_new_file # e.g. "/Users/User/file_edited.dat"
with open(original_file) as inp:
with open(edited_file, "w") as op:
for line in inp:
op.write(line.replace("<br/>", "")
You can use read.table
with similar optimizations, but it won't give you nearly as much speed.