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How could I instantiate a Profiled DataAdapter to use with MVC MINI PROFILER?

None of the Command objects have Fill methods, but in the former way I was doing I could instantiate a new OracleDataAdapter. How could I instantiate a Profiled DataAdapter to profile my database activity with MVC MINI PROFILER?

All I need is to use the Fill command with the profiled connection of MVC mini Profiler.


I think many must have done that before, unless they are using Entity Framework, which works nice and easy. In my case the query is loaded dynamically into a Datatable, and the entity cannot be mapped, since it is unknown by the application.

The biggest problem after creating a command by the profiled connection is to set it to a DataAdapter which cannot be instantiated.

[UPDATE] Further References:


  • According to Rory

    "There's a class ProfiledDbDataAdapter provided for this that you can use wrapped around your existing SqlDataAdapter."

    By this hint, you can write some code like this

    public DbConnection _dbConnection;
    private DbCommand _dbCommand;
    private DbDataAdapter _dbDataAdapter;
    public DataSet GetResultByProcWithSingleParam(string procName, SqlParameter sqlParams)
                    _dbCommand = _dbConnection.CreateCommand();
                    _dbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    _dbCommand.CommandText = procName;
                    _dbDataAdapter = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.SqlClient").CreateDataAdapter();
                    _dbDataAdapter = new ProfiledDbDataAdapter(_dbDataAdapter);
                    _dbDataAdapter.SelectCommand = _dbCommand;
                    _ds = new DataSet();
                    return _ds;
                catch (Exception ex)

    And namespaces for this code are:

    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.Common;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using StackExchange.Profiling;
    using StackExchange.Profiling.Data;

    I hope it will work. In my case, it is working successfully.